I’m so happy.

Hey, guys. Sorry for not posting in…a month. I’ve been really busy, and I have SAT’s (for the second time) tomorrow.


I was indirectly challenged by everyone’s two favorite bloggers, Allie M. and JOXO to write ‘something sunshiney’, so here you go. I feel so uncomfortable right now. I’m looking up ‘positive things to write about’. I’m so lost. I really haven’t written about anything positive in a very long time, but here I go…

Ok, apparently writing about things I love/are grateful for will help improve my day. I’m smiling right now, this is so not what I do.

Alright, here’s a list of things I’m grateful for:

~The people I’ve met through this blog. Seriously, you guys…are…the….best. *hack cough

~I’m grateful for the internet that enables me to see/talk to all my friends.

~I’m grateful for the success of the Fight Club I started last week! (Next meeting is tomorrow)

~I’m grateful for where I live. A cold, slightly rainy climate next to the ocean is perfect for me.

~I’m grateful for the authors who create such amazing works like 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Blindness, and The Clockwork Three. I HIGHLY recommend the last one.

~I’m grateful for music, and my favorite artists like Memphis May Fire, Peter Gundry, Giles Corey, Get Scared, The Used, and Alexandre Desplat.

On to things I love:

~You guys



Well, that’s it for things I love.

I feel a little sick…I haven’t typed that much positivity in such a long time. Thank you, Allie and Jo for kind-of-sort-of making me do this. I feel determined to have a grim face for the rest of the day to compensate for all this happiness, but who knows? Maybe I’ll change and burst into smiles.

I also heard that humor is a good ‘happy medicine’, so here’s a joke for you:


Why did Princess Diana cross the road?

She wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.






Short Message:

Hello all. I’m in a despicably good mood because I have reached, as you may have guessed, 20 followers!


I know you higher-ups must be snorting and rolling your eyes at the amount, but for me, this is a huge accomplishment. My deepest thanks to aprmcl for being the latest follower (The rebel 21) on my blog, and special thanks to zoe2600 for being my first ever follower. You guys are great, really. I feel like I should be posting happier things on this blog…you guys deserve it.



(It’s not actually Edgy, Allie and Jo. Just Edge. I was too embarrassed to tell you sooner, but I guess now is as good as ever. Sorry xD)






True Friends


Everyone wants friends, right? Humans by nature are social creatures, and no matter how introverted we are, we all want at least one true friend who will stick with us no matter how dark our situations get. And as you probably know, not a lot of the friends you have now will do that for you. They are, in my pessimistic opinion, ‘fair weather’ friends. I don’t remember where I heard the term from, but it basically means that they’re only your friends when everything is going well.

Now, how many friends do you have who you can talk to about the bad things in your life? How many friends can you count on during a bad situation?  I wouldn’t be surprised if you could count them all on an amputee’s fingers. If you have one or more, I salute you.

I have one. One. I know I’m lucky, a lot people don’t have any, but it’s still depressing to know that having one good friend puts you in the majority. A true friend is a rarity, someone that is always there for you through both the good times and the bad. Anyone can find friends, but if you stumble onto that one guy or girl that you instinctively click with, please, for the love of God,  stay with them. 

I know that a lot of you guys are really into poetry, so I made a…looking it up…”acrostic” poem for you describing the characteristics of a true friend. Enjoy it, and don’t make fun of me.

Friends are:

~Free to act like themselves around you.
~Real around you. They don’t put up a facade when you’re together.
~Interested, truly interested in you and your passions.
~Enjoyable. This is a must. If you’re not having fun when you’re with them, I’m not sure what you two are doing together.
~Natural. You naturally click together, you can just be yourself around them. This goes along with Real.
~Deep: This is one of the hardest traits to find. You must be able to talk about deep things, more than the usual shallow talk about Vines and other stuff.

Well, I just made a poem. This is depressing. Horrible work of literary art, I know, but I believe it captures the essence of friendship, to a certain degree. Tell me if I’m wrong in the comments, or what you think makes a true friend. Have a great day.

My First Collaboration


Alright, so I paired up with two other bloggers, thewondrouslifeofalliem, and xoxojo, both of which you need to check out, because their work is awesome. We worked together on a piece about school, and we’re rather pleased with the results. Check out the original link here, or read the copy I have below. Hope you like it.



Hello everyone! This week’s collab post is with Edgy Concept. Please check him out if you haven’t yet, because he is an amazing writer, as you will soon see. (I am actually sort of jealous of how well written his piece is).

Sticking with this month’s school theme, we compared public schools to private/home schools, which we preferred, and how our relationships with the teachers in each differed. Mine will be in normal font, Edge’s in bold, and Jo’s in italicized font.


Having never been to a public school, I don’t really know what it’s like. I suppose there are the typical stereotypes of busy halls, student hierarchy, and kids getting their heads flushed down toilets. (Please tell me that last one isn’t true.) Personally, I went to two different Christian private schools from pre-school all the way through middle school. And then homeschooling for high school. Also Christian. I would assume there are major differences between public and private schools. One of them being student/teacher relationships. I’ve read enough books and watched enough movies to believe that most public school teachers only teach in monotone voices and distance themselves from their students. I know not every teacher is like this, but I guess that’s how Hollywood portrays most teachers. I still have great relationships with my previous teachers, and I meet my middle school history teacher every year with my old classmates. (A couple weeks ago my sixth/seventh grade math teacher requested to follow me on Instagram, ahaha) Both of the schools I went to were fairly small which meant I was close with most of my classmates. Fun fact: I was in the same class with a couple of friends from pre-school to eighth grade even when we switched schools. Unlike Edge, I find it harder to relate to kids who have gone to public/private schools rather than home schooled kids although I went to a private school, I feel that they were way different most schools anyways. The schools I went to were very close knit communities that I don’t know, it always felt different to all the other schools I’ve stepped into. There was a sense of family, I guess. That’s why I always loved school. I didn’t mind the work, as long as I had these people to surround me and encourage me.


Having never been at a ‘big’ school (+1000 students), I was more than a little shocked to learn that at these mystical ‘big’ schools, it was socially forbidden to have a relationship with a teacher, no matter how platonic the relationship. I was a little disappointed, because I have the coolest teachers at my little school. I’m good friends with my AP English teacher. He plays Pokemon Go in class, and lets out little “Yesss”’es of victory when he catches a Pokemon. We discuss different books, their meanings, and have the coolest philosophical debates. My Phys Ed teacher and I both talk to each other all the time about the newest Spinnin’ Records releases, and other music related topics.

I remember hearing a new student, who had been relocated from the U.S.A, tell a friend that she had “never seen students and teachers be such good friends before.” I frowned, and looked into the matter when I got home. To my surprise, (correct me if I’m wrong in the comments) I found out that one would be discouraged to have a teacher as a friend, because of all these scandals that are erupting across the States. While I agree that caution is necessary, I think perhaps this is just a bit…too much? I don’t know. Now, don’t assume I’m friends with all my teachers. I hate most of them with a passion. I’m just good friends with a couple of them. But that’s just me. Maybe you should be wary of all your teachers. Personally, if some of them share the same interest you do, I would try and befriend them if I were you.

Home vs. Public/Private Schooling: As a guy who’s never been home-schooled, I find it a wee bit difficult (yes, I just said ‘wee bit’) to empathize with homeschoolers. Frankly, I’ve been told to avoid them, that they’re ‘unstable’ and ‘naive’. While I do think that if you’re homeschooled, you are missing out on some social ideology, I violently disagree with the blatant claim that they’re crazy, unstable and any other derogatory insults that obviously befits the owner of said insults. I’ve met a lot of homeschooled kids, and they’re all great, which is something that I can’t say for a lot of my other ‘friends’ at school.

See, these HS kids never had to deal with the pressure to conform to the (infuriatingly) boring social norms that kids at school often enforce, so whenever I meet them, they’re always these interesting, often nervous bundles of colorful, genuine personality that is so rarely seen in the hallways of schools today. One of my two best friends was a homeschooler for three years. He’s one of the smartest guys I know, and is always fun to hang around. (Sadly, he moved away a year ago…and my other best friend moved away two years ago. I’m quite a lonely child xD)

Kids who receive public or private schooling (which, because I’m lazy, shall henceforth be referred to as PS kids), have the good fortune to learn certain social skill sets necessary to a successful survival in school* that the HS kids don’t learn if not placed in school at an early age. As a result of this, PS kids are usually better equipped in social situations, but at the same time, because of their lack of skills relating to anything out of the ordinary, often don’t understand homeschoolers, and will ridicule, mock, and/or bully them. It’s sad how just being different instantly makes you a target of bullies and other forms of harassment, and it is both unfair and stupid. Like if you agree, and comment below about your experiences with homeschooling or homeschoolers.

*If you can make a video of you saying that five times without messing up, I will post it on my blog and give you a Tongue Twisting Teacher Award.


When I think of public schools, I think of bells ringing, kids running from class to class, teachers yelling homework assignments after them, papers flying to the floor. I think of older students hanging out by the lockers in groups, and the younger ones chasing one another on the playground.

I get a different picture when Homeschooling comes to mind. It’s quieter, the sounds of pens scribbling on paper, there are still cliques but the groups contain only a few kids, most everyone gets along because they cant be bothered to argue, teachers converse with the students more as equals wanting to learn than children who need to be educated.

Obviously, there are many more types of education to be had than just public schools and homeschooling study groups, but these are the two I’m going to focus on, because I have experience with them more than others. I went to public school from grade one to five, then from sixth to eighth grade I went to a private school with only a hundred or so students, and then from ninth to until I graduate highschool, I was and will be in a homeschooling program.

For me, the homeschooling works much better. I work better alone or with a couple friends but put me in a room of strangers and I’ll choke. Sure, public schools have more people=more socializing, but just because I do homeschool and there are only a fraction of the students doesn’t mean I don’t know how to properly function in society (well…sort of, social anxiety is hard but it wasn’t caused by homeschooling). Id like to debunk that rumor whilst I have the opportunity to, by the way. Kids do not do homeschool because they are “strange” or “weird” (I mean, I’m sort of weird but that’s besides the point). There are a number of valid reasons to educate yourself through another means of learning besides regular public schools. It could be you move a lot, you are more comfortable with that program, you study better in a calmer, smaller, freer environment with a loose schedule, which many people do. I, for one, am one of those people.

I also think it comes in handy when preparing for the future. You get to prioritize your own classes, homework, free time and breaks. This sets you up for making bigger decisions in life,seeing what times you’re comfortable with, what interests you have and what you want to pursue. For example, it’s midnight while I’m writing this, there’s a painting to the side to me, soft music playing, and Geometry class on my laptop. Multitasking, yeah!


Thanks so much for reading this collab post, we’re so sorry it’s a little late! School and moving caught us off guard. The next one definitely will be on time! Until next time, 

Stay wondrous!


Allie M, Edgy Concept, and XOJO



The Versatile Blogger Award

So…I was a little shocked to log on today, still rubbing the sleep from my eyes, only to see that I had been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award! Totally did not see that coming. I’d like to thank XOJO so much for nominating me! Check her out, you can find her here. I’m a little nervous, but let’s do this.

The rules
  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Share the award on your blog
  • Share 7 random facts about yourself
  • Tag 10 bloggers with less than 1000 followers and let them know they’ve been nominated

Ok, I thanked and if you’re reading this, then I think I got number two right. 7 random facts?? Sure, ok.

1. My eyes are grey.

2. I took the test, and I’m pure Ravenclaw!

3. I like to write stories. I never finish them.

4. I’m officially depressed.

5. I made a flamethrower yesterday, and I burned my hand.

6. I love deep discussions, and I’m not particularly fond of shallow topics.

7. I talk with people regularly about suicide and depression, providing them with an         outlet, and I can do the same for you, if you need one.

8. I’m a rebel.

Ok, now on to the nominees! I nominate…

  1. Theanonymousjoker
  2. The Living Me
  3. The Girl With The Coffee
  4. On Turning Pages
  5. Cezane
  6. Trashcan bard
  7. akeem54
  8. OptimisticPrime
  9. Ellen Hawley
  10. Zahra Khan

There you go! Now go click on those wonderful names. You’ve been wandering on my blog for far too long. Off you go. And thanks for the award!